Co-simulation Environment for Rodin: Landing Gear Case Study

4th International Conference on ASM, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z (ABZ'14)


This work in progress presents a prototype multi-simulation environment for the Rodin platform that enables import, co-modelling and co-simulation of dynamic models and formal Event-B specifications, which can help in the design of mixed discrete-event/continuous-time systems. The proposed solution is based on the Functional Mock-up Interface standard and ProB animator for Event-B. The involved technologies and co-simulation semantics are explained, followed by a demonstration of preliminary results, obtained from a landing gear case study.



% BibTex
author="Savicks, Vitaly
and Butler, Michael
and Colley, John",
editor="Boniol, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric
and Wiels, Virginie
and Ait Ameur, Yamine
and Schewe, Klaus-Dieter",
title="Co-simulation Environment for Rodin: Landing Gear Case Study",
booktitle="ABZ 2014: The Landing Gear Case Study",
publisher="Springer International Publishing",
abstract="This work in progress presents a prototype multi-simulation environment for the Rodin platform that enables import, co-modelling and co-simulation of dynamic models and formal Event-B specifications, which can help in the design of mixed discrete-event/continuous-time systems. The proposed solution is based on the Functional Mock-up Interface standard and ProB animator for Event-B. The involved technologies and co-simulation semantics are explained, followed by a demonstration of preliminary results, obtained from a landing gear case study.",


  • Used formal method: Event-B

  • Resources and tools: Rodin

    For more information, please contact the authors
