Modelling and Analysing a Mechanical Lung Ventilator in mCRL2

10th International Conference on Rigorous State Based Methods (ABZ'24)


We model the Mechanical Lung Ventilator (MLV) in the process algebra mCRL2. The functional requirements of the MLV are formalised in the modal mu-calculus, and we use model checking to analyse whether these requirements hold true of our model. Our formalisation of the MLV and its requirements reveal a few subtle imprecisions and unclarities in the informal document and we analyse their impact.



% BibTex
author="van Dortmont, Danny
and Keiren, Jeroen J. A.
and Willemse, Tim A. C.",
editor="Bonfanti, Silvia
and Gargantini, Angelo
and Leuschel, Michael
and Riccobene, Elvinia
and Scandurra, Patrizia",
title="Modelling and Analysing a Mechanical Lung Ventilator in mCRL2",
booktitle="Rigorous State-Based Methods",
publisher="Springer Nature Switzerland",
abstract="We model the Mechanical Lung Ventilator (MLV) in the process algebra mCRL2. The functional requirements of the MLV are formalised in the modal {\$}{\$}{\backslash}mu {\$}{\$}$\mu$-calculus, and we use model checking to analyse whether these requirements hold true of our model. Our formalisation of the MLV and its requirements reveal a few subtle imprecisions and unclarities in the informal document and we analyse their impact.",


  • Model Archive: GitHub

  • Presentation: PDF

  • Used formal method: mCRL2

    For more information, please contact the authors
